Difference Between PCOD and PCOS ?


PCOD (Polycystic Ovary disease) and PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) are the most common hormonal disorder affecting women, associated with ovaries.
Ovaries are very important parts of female reproductive system; every normal female has two ovaries in the lower half of her abdomen. Both ovaries release ova into uterus, every month. Ovaries also produce many hormones, for instance, Estrogen, usually known as female hormone and Androgens or testosterone, known as male hormones. PCOD (Polycystic Ovary disease) and PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) are the diseases associated with ovaries.


PCOD is a situation, when we can see an enlarged ovary and small follicular cysts, which have 0.5—1.0 cm diameter. This is the disease developed by the hormonal imbalance, which lead to collection of mature eggs in the ovary, as they cannot be discharged. These immature follicles are called as cysts. This is a vicious cycle, some cysts leads to more cysts and this cycle goes on. Although reasons were from person to person, but insulin, diet, hormonal disturbances and stress are some cause, which leads to PCOD. Sing and symptoms of this disease include, irregular periods, hair pattern which resembles male patterns, storage of fat at abdominal area, and infertility. FSH and LH levels are important for the diagnosis of disease along with pelvic ultrasound. PCOD does not exactly mean infertility, many women can bear child even with this disease. For the treatment of PCOD, patients are given progesterone pills, which help in balancing the hormones.


PCOS is another condition of ovaries, when patient is affected in more than one ways. In this condition, more than twelve follicles are produced every month, but as they all are, immature so no ovum is releases and resultantly, ovaries start producing higher level of testosterones, which leads to hormonal imbalance. One forth population of women are having multiple follicles in ovaries, but only 10% women suffer from PCOS. Symptoms for this syndrome are irregular periods, weight gain, Acne; difficulties in pregnancy and thinning of hair, but symptom vary from person to person which usually develop in late twenties. Blood tests and ultrasound scan are the two methods to diagnose the disease.

Differences and Similarities

PCOD and PCOS are the conditions associated with malfunctioning of ovaries. Symptoms like irregular periods are common in both cases, but PCOS leads to thinning of hair whereas in PCOD a female develop hair pattern like males. Both are caused by hormonal imbalance but for PCOS there is no exact known reason for this disease but we can link it with inheritance, like PCOD. PCOD is not very serious if we compare it with PCOS, which is more severe form of this syndrome. Both contribute to the infertility, and hormonal pills and injections are used to treat both.

In Short:

PCOS and PCOD are one of the known causes of infertility in women. Irregular periods and weight gain are the major symptoms in women, showing these ovary disorders. They have nothing to do with cancer, and with regular treatment, they can be cured. These sings appear in early twenties but actually considered seriously, when a woman fails to conceive.

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  1. How i got a cure for PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).

    I actually promised myself that i will do this because i never in life thought i would be cured of PCOS because my gynecologist told me there was no cure and because of this i could not take in and get pregnant. I had PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) for 7 years and this was a big pain to me and my husband due to the downcast we felt for not having a child. I experienced irregular periods or no periods at all sometimes, heavy periods, i gained weight (fat). I seeked a cure from one doctor to the other used androgen, clomiphene, metformin and even traveled to different states to see other doctors to no avail. My husband got to know about Dr. ALeta via a testimony he read on the internet on how a woman got a cure and he contacted her with the contact she left. I got the herbal medication and used it for the speculated 3 months that was all i have a son who is just 8 months old. Do not give up just contact her on (aletedwin@gmail.com) on how to get the herbal medication. Thanks and i wish you get cured soon too.

  2. Thank you! I hope that as I continue to learn and grow I am able to manage my symptoms and have a voice like yours. IVF centre in delhi is best gyane and infertility center Thanks again!!

  3. Thanks for sharing Good Information

  4. PCOS is common condition among female now days.. PCOS is also major cause of Infertility so pcod should be properly checked and treated on time.

  5. If you are suffering from PCOS problem then must visit Sofat Infertility Clinic. We offer the best PCOS Treatment in Punjab at an affordable cost. We offer a wide range of services such as IUI, ICSI, IVF, Laser Assisted Hatching, Male infertility, Female infertility, Surrogacy and so on. Clinic the link for more detail.

  6. PCOD and PCOS are often used interchangeably. However, there is a difference
    Difference between PCOD and PCOS
    is the milder form where the symptoms are mainly limited to ovaries and reproductive system. Whereas, PCOS is an advanced form, where the symptoms occur throughout the body in terms of weight gain, facial hair growth, acne, hair loss along with the menstrual irregularities. Clinic the link for more detail.

  7. Nice blog...
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